Thursday, June 10, 2010

Which Palm Oil is Best for Your Hair? Adwengo! - @AshantiGirl

Essential Oils Desk ReferenceAdwengo Palm Kernel Oil

Hello, Everyone! This post features SheaButter Cottage, a business of fellow @DelynsBliss Tweeter, @AshantiGirl (a.k.a Akua Wood). SheaButter Cottage is a small, ethical business in the UK, owned by Akua Wood.

Wood is passionate about what she does, including concocting natural skincare goodies. She sees herself as a "kitchen" chemist. In this video we learn interesting facts she shares about the palm trees of Ghana which yield the Adwengo Unrefinded Palm Kernel Oil (AUPKO) and why it's better for the hair. The flower petal labels on the dark amber bottles of AUPKO are gorgeous!!

Thank-you @AshantiGirl for sharing with us!


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