Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fresh, Organic Pesto Sauce by 'The Garden Girl'

Urban Sustainable Living with Patti Moreno, the Garden GirlHow to Make Pesto Sauce

Hello, Everyone! This post features a pesto sauce made with fresh, just-picked culinary herb garden ingredients by Patti Moreno/"The Garden Girl". As Patti states, "My goals are to help you produce more and consume less in ways that will make you and your family live a more healthy lifestyle by eating an organic diet, save money by growing your own organic produce, and bring up the net worth of your most valuable asset, your home."  Her website GardenGirlTV is so informative for those interested in growing their own fruit, herbs and vegetables and caring for small livestock such as chickens, rabbits and goats.

I love pasta with herbs and this fresh pesto sauce looks so delicious! Now, I've got to make this pesto sauce. Thank-you for sharing your video and recipe with us Patti/Garden Girl.



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